miercuri, 18 noiembrie 2015

Cats rule the internet! Check this collection of cats photos

As the cats rule the internet , I found this collection of cats very beautiful; You can check it here and be overwhelmed by nice photos: http://www.ellf.ru/other/36012-schastlivoe-koshache-materinstvo.html

luni, 12 octombrie 2015

Recent "TED conference talk" says that Brain actually can grow new brain cells

Recent "TED conference talk" says that Brain actually can grow new brain cells In this way,the level of depression decrease with the new nervous cells. That's very optimistic to hear that in fact, brain can develop new brain cells at almost any age and there are some factors that determine these process: - learning, sleep,sex, running, some eating habits like: eating less and the distance among meals, omega free food, black chocolate, blueberry, red wine, texture of the food; Here is the link http://www.ted.com/talks/sandrine_thuret_you_can_grow_new_brain_cells_here_s_how?

joi, 17 iulie 2014

I found a lovely photographer; I'm in love with the "fantasy photos" Take a look and enjoy moments of beauty: http://www.boredpanda.com/fantasy-photography-russian-photographer-margarita-kareva/

miercuri, 6 ianuarie 2010

pentru noul an

As vrea sa nu mai simt suferintza, sa nu o mai miros, sa nu ma mai invadeze uratul si apasarea; vreau lucruri faine si degajate... nu mai vreau persoane stresante, m-am saturat, a durat prea mult totul

marți, 10 noiembrie 2009

the daily "what to wear"morning

Hey, girls? how about your everyday life? When I wake up to go to my job, I have a hard time to find the proper clothes, I open the wardrobe and I can't find anything to wear. I look outside the window, I look inside my wardrobe..and nothing...Maybe I need some time to arrange my clothes by color, by size..etc.What about you? What are you ticks to find the proper clothes ?